Monday, February 28, 2011

Feb 28 2011

Today, Kiana and I are updating the blog !! *cheer*

Unexpectedly Mr.Smith told us that tomorrow is our mousetrap car test date, and we are not allowed to make ANY adjustments, therefore we have to finish before tomorrow!!!!!

Sadly last week I (Chloe) didn't have enough time to make the transmission because we have to turn the wood. Unfortunately this week the wood wasn't good either so Natalie turned the wood, then I made the transmission. At first, Alicia thought the transmission too small, so i made another one.

We went to open shop at lunch...

Natalie went to Alicia's house to finish the project, while Kiana came to my house, and we continued and finished the vocabulary list (which is found under vocabulary, Check it out!)

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