Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feb 15 2011

Today, was Natalie's turn to be absent. Because she was absent today and she had our wheels and other important parts for the car, we were again limited to what we were able to do.

~I (Chloe) couldn't find our transmission test answers, so we (Kiana and I) sadly had to restart. I have now have my transmission license (yay!) and with the help of Rachael, learned how to start my own transmission.

~Kiana found our what-we-thought-we-lost vocabulary list in the back of Alicia's yellow D and T/Drama folder.

~Kiana attempted futilely to do some research and reading to further expand her knowledge and understanding to what on earth we were doing.
~Alicia was writing the posts for today and yesterday since there wasn't much she could have done. She also further consulted Mr. Smith on the progress of our car. That was when he told her that in fact, we could futher eliminate the surface friction and Alicia started to spazz. That must have been at least the 5th time we had to change someway or another the holes for our axles.
~We also got some thrust washers.

~I (Alicia) found some leftovers of a dismantled car that had their mousetrap taken. I found a couple of bushing/bearings that we may or not be able to use. Some of them were defomed so couldn't be used.

>>>Next class, we are hoping to start removing material from our wheels. Hopefully everyone will be there next time.

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