Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feb 22 2011

Today seemed like a VERY lazy day. In my (Alicia) opinion, didn't feel like we did much...

To everyone's shock and realization, we learned that our project is dued Monday NEXT WEEK! That only gives us less then 2 classes/open shop to finish our project, which I highly doubt possible at our rate. I guess that means NO more goofing off.

Today we manage to bring in all of our wheels, the big and small ones. We had a hard and time consuming task of finding the center of our wheels. We then had to decided whether or not we wanted to remove material. Natalie and I wanted to remove the rim of our large wheels, but apparently the mass was right. The problem was that the ratio between the small and large wheels were too great.
We had to try so many different methods to find the center of a circle, who would've thought it would be so hard? Eventually, we managed to find the center...more or less. I'm not happy with more or less, but with our time limit, we shouldn't be worrying about the details right now.

Chloe was working on our transmission but unfortunately she needed to shape a piece of wood first because there wasn't any wood to make our transmission with. One extra step for her to do. :(

Just worrying a little now, with all the work we have to do.
Chloe doing...I'm not quite sure.

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