Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mar 6 2011

I (Chloe) just uploaded 2 videos :

~pics and vids section

~Check them out here ==> channel on Youtube and theawesomepeoplez channel

also.. Anything thats says check out vocabulary.... is changed to Glossary.. Just changed the names...

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Final Updates and Last Minute Details will all be made on Monday.

Including the video clip of our final product for our mouse trap car.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mar 4 2011 (FINAL)

I (Alicia) still won't give up.

Originally we accomplished getting 51 floor tiles but the highest is at 74 for this year. In my opinion, the ratio between these two numbers is too great. So I am still changing, redoing and doing anything I can to try and get a further distance. We have nothing to loose so why not try until the very end?

Since the rest of my group hasn't completely given up, it's up to me. I decided that our car was missing a lot of elements that could really help it such as mechanical advantage... So I stubbornly decided to take out the CDs we used as the back wheels and replace them with records. After gluing it and assembling everything, it was too heavy!

Mr. Smith helped me remove material/mass from the wheels by drilling holes into them. Originally one record weighed 105.8 grammes, by putting in holes, it now weighs 89.2. That is 16.6 grammes saved!

Monday is now the moment of truth and our last shot at a larger distance. Hopefully Alicia and her perseverance will make it through.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Feb 28 2011

Today, Kiana and I are updating the blog !! *cheer*

Unexpectedly Mr.Smith told us that tomorrow is our mousetrap car test date, and we are not allowed to make ANY adjustments, therefore we have to finish before tomorrow!!!!!

Sadly last week I (Chloe) didn't have enough time to make the transmission because we have to turn the wood. Unfortunately this week the wood wasn't good either so Natalie turned the wood, then I made the transmission. At first, Alicia thought the transmission too small, so i made another one.

We went to open shop at lunch...

Natalie went to Alicia's house to finish the project, while Kiana came to my house, and we continued and finished the vocabulary list (which is found under vocabulary, Check it out!)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feb 22 2011

Today seemed like a VERY lazy day. In my (Alicia) opinion, didn't feel like we did much...

To everyone's shock and realization, we learned that our project is dued Monday NEXT WEEK! That only gives us less then 2 classes/open shop to finish our project, which I highly doubt possible at our rate. I guess that means NO more goofing off.

Today we manage to bring in all of our wheels, the big and small ones. We had a hard and time consuming task of finding the center of our wheels. We then had to decided whether or not we wanted to remove material. Natalie and I wanted to remove the rim of our large wheels, but apparently the mass was right. The problem was that the ratio between the small and large wheels were too great.
We had to try so many different methods to find the center of a circle, who would've thought it would be so hard? Eventually, we managed to find the center...more or less. I'm not happy with more or less, but with our time limit, we shouldn't be worrying about the details right now.

Chloe was working on our transmission but unfortunately she needed to shape a piece of wood first because there wasn't any wood to make our transmission with. One extra step for her to do. :(

Just worrying a little now, with all the work we have to do.
Chloe doing...I'm not quite sure.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb 16

Today Natalie, Alicia, Kiana and Stephanie (from another group) went to Peanut Plaza to get some materials, for us wheels etc..

~Since today was shortened day and no one had any activities, senior band was cancelled, we went to Peanut.
~At first, we check the Canadian Thrift Store, but there was absolutely nothing there we could use. We were hoping to find some records but left disappointed.

~Our next stop was Dollarama. We looked around and found some paper plates but they just weren't right. So next we decided to look around to see if we could find an alternative. We found some thin metal platters in which we could remove the rims and use as wheels.

~Natalie bought lollipops for the class to celebrate Billie Joe Armstrong's Birthday (lead singer of Greenday) which is tomorrow.

~Natalie and Kiana both bought something to snack on. Natalie, a patty next store and Kiana for the first time tried an egg tart which she got at the chinese bakery.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feb 15 2011

Today, was Natalie's turn to be absent. Because she was absent today and she had our wheels and other important parts for the car, we were again limited to what we were able to do.

~I (Chloe) couldn't find our transmission test answers, so we (Kiana and I) sadly had to restart. I have now have my transmission license (yay!) and with the help of Rachael, learned how to start my own transmission.

~Kiana found our what-we-thought-we-lost vocabulary list in the back of Alicia's yellow D and T/Drama folder.

~Kiana attempted futilely to do some research and reading to further expand her knowledge and understanding to what on earth we were doing.
~Alicia was writing the posts for today and yesterday since there wasn't much she could have done. She also further consulted Mr. Smith on the progress of our car. That was when he told her that in fact, we could futher eliminate the surface friction and Alicia started to spazz. That must have been at least the 5th time we had to change someway or another the holes for our axles.
~We also got some thrust washers.

~I (Alicia) found some leftovers of a dismantled car that had their mousetrap taken. I found a couple of bushing/bearings that we may or not be able to use. Some of them were defomed so couldn't be used.

>>>Next class, we are hoping to start removing material from our wheels. Hopefully everyone will be there next time.